US Mom Blog

A Military Spouse's Guide to Finding a Job

Posted 6 years ago

It can be very difficult trying to find work when you are facing another PCS and when you move to a different military base every two or three years. You enjoy the benefits of the basic housing allowance, but your military relocations mean that you often find yourself looking for a job. In this article we will cover some tips to make the job search easier.


Have Your Resume Updated

Since there is the strong possibility you will be moving every few years, make sure to always keep your resume up-to-date and stored in multiple places. Keep a current list of all of your skills, positions, and responsibilities so that you will not have to scramble to do this at the last minute. This will help relieve your stress when you find yourself moving to a new town, having to look for a new house, and being tasked with the responsibility of settling everybody in.

Look Into Work-From-Home Opportunities

If you are currently employed and are looking forward to a move, ask your employer if they have work-at-home opportunities that can travel with you to your new location. If that is not the case, the internet is ablaze with a variety of companies that are now looking to hire work-at-home employees. These positions range from taking customer service phone calls, doing IT work, or doing sales. You can find some resources for work-at-home prospects here.

Work for the Government

You can go to this site to find a list of job positions that are open and that give special preference to military spouses. NAF offers positions that are flexible in their schedules in addition to ones that will provide more regular hours. NAF stands for non-appropriated funds, and these jobs are always available despite freezes on federal hiring. Some positions are eligible for benefits, and these are considered federal jobs. You can also find job listings here.

Go Into Business For Yourself

Take stock of your skills and do research on how to leverage that into a business that you can take with you. If starting a business is too daunting, there are sites like this one and this one where you can market your skills on a freelance basis. You can also do research on how to position yourself a virtual assistant here.

* Rebates are not allowed in all states. In some states, a gift card or commission credit at closing may be provided in lieu of the Cash-Back bonus. You must register with Military on the Move® before contacting a real estate agent and be represented by the assigned real estate firm at closing to qualify. All real estate transactions are negotiable. Other terms and conditions may apply.

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